Badminton rackets are an important part that affects play, and there are many manufacturers and types, so it is hard to decide which one to choose.
After all, there are many people who choose from their favorite players and popular rackets, so I researched on the homepage and catalog and created a popularity ranking.
By referring to the racket of the player you are using, you can also refer to whether it is suitable for singles or doubles to some extent.
Then, we will announce the badminton racket popularity ranking of the world's top players, so please refer to it.
- Recommended for choosing a Badminton Racket【World's top players use of Popularity Ranking】
- Ranking No.1:YONEX|NANOFLARE700
- Ranking No.2:YONEX|ASTROX88S PRO
- Ranking No.3:YONEX|NANOFLRE800
- Ranking No.4:YONEX|ASTROX88D PRO
- Ranking No.3:YONEX|ASTROX100ZZ
- Ranking No.6:YONEX|ASTROX88D
- Ranking No.6:YONEX|ASTROX77
- Ranking No.8:YONEX|ASTROX99
- Ranking No.9:YONEX|DUORA7
- Ranking No.9:VICTOR|DriveX-9X
- Ranking No.9:YONEX|ASTROX88S
- No.16:Wilson|FIERCE CX9000J CV
- Explanation of how to choose a badminton racket
- Summary
Recommended for choosing a Badminton Racket【World's top players use of Popularity Ranking】

balance:head light
shot feeling:medium
color:red, green blue, black / black trim
list price:¥23,000+tax(JP)
Reference price:¥17,710(JP)
players using NANOFLARE700 | |
Doubles | Arisa Higashino, Wang Chi-lin, Lee So Hee, Seo Seung Jae, John Kyungeun |
Singles | Ratchanok Intanon,Carolina Marin, Son Wanho |
Ratchanok Intanon outplays Carolina Marin in a terrific final at the Daihatsu Indonesia Masters. Read more: #IndonesiaMasters2020 #HSBCRaceToGuangzhou #WorldTour @badmintonphoto
— BWF (@bwfmedia) January 19, 2020
"YONEX NANOFLARE 700" is a racket with a headlight design and strong power, and it has become the most used racket by the world's top players.
The shape of the frame makes it easy to swing, so it is easy to protect the doubles receive, and it is also suitable for doubles because it can aggressively attack the smash.
An attractive racket that has both operability and power, it is easy to handle even in singles, and it is recommended for beginners to advanced players.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX NANOFLARE 700 (Japanese)
【YONEX NANOFLEA700レビュー】ヘッドライトで操作性バツグンなのにパワーもあるラケット
今回のバドミントングッズ紹介はトップ選手に人気が高いラケットで、東京オリンピック金メダリストのワン・チーリン選手も使用している「YONEX NANOFLARE700 」です。 「高次元の ...

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:medium
color:Emerald blue
list price:¥26,000+tax(JP)
Reference price:¥21,450(JP)
players using ASTROX88S PRO | Kevin・S・Sukamuljo、Ayaka Hirota、Takeshi Kamura、Wakana Nagahara、Rian Ardianto、He Jee Ting |
Congratulations to Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon! This week marks 100 consecutive weeks that they've been Number One in the Men's Doubles World Ranking! 🔥💯🔥#TeamYonex #YonexBadminton #Minions
— Yonex Badminton (@yonex_badminton) August 28, 2019
"ASTROX 88S PRO" is a racket for avant-garde with enhanced precise control power, and the size is 5 mm shorter than other rackets, so it is easy to handle.
The new frame shape expands the sweet spot and increases the attack power, and the use of a large caliber grommet improves the ball holding.
It is a racket recommended for those who value the avant-garde of doubles because it can control the shuttle firmly and enhances deciding power.
▶Click here for YONEX ASTROX88S PRO spec information(Japanese)
今回はYONEXの人気ラケット「アストロクス88S」と「アストロクス88D」の違いを解説していきます。 Astrox 88S and Astrox 88D! The Choice of #WorldN ...
Ranking No.3:YONEX|NANOFLRE800

shot feeling:hard
color:Matte black
list price:¥25,000+tax(JP)
players using NANOFLARE800 | |
Doubles | Ayaka Takahashi、Mayu Matsumoto、LEE Yang、TAN Wee Kiong、Du Yue、Do Yue、Jia Efan |
Singles | Song Ji Hyun |
Happy Birthday Mayu Matsumoto!!
Enjoy your day 🎁 🎈 🎉
— 🏆 Yonex All England Badminton Championships 🏆 (@YonexAllEngland) August 7, 2020
"Nanoflare 800" is a racket that has both swing and power, and has a frame shape that reduces air resistance and a thin shaft that makes it easy to swing.
It is a racket that can increase the power to play with the material and can hit the smash firmly, and the handling is good, so the doubles receive is also stable.
There is also the "NANOFLARE 800 LT", which is recommended for people who place importance on racket operability and swinging, and has improved vibration absorption to make it even lighter.
▶Click here for YONEX NANOFLARE800 spec information(Japanese)
"振り抜きの良さ"を追求したバドミントンラケット「NANOFLARE 800」(ナノフレア 800)を2019年9月上旬より世界同時発売‼️ ...

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:hard
color:Caramel gold
list price:¥26,000+tax
Reference price:¥21,450
players using ASTROX88D PRO | |
Doubles | Marcus・F・Gideon、Keigo Sonoda、Yuki Fukushima、Fajar Alfian |
Singles | Michelle・Li |
The Draw is out for the YONEX #AllEngland19
Find out who's playing who when badminton's greatest show raises the roof @ArenaBirmingham next month— 🏆 Yonex All England Badminton Championships 🏆 (@YonexAllEngland) February 12, 2019
"ASTROX 88D PRO" is a doubles rearguard type racket with improved ball control and breakthrough power, and like the previous work Astrox 88D, the smash is easy to sink.
The new frame shape expands the sweet spot and increases the attack power, and the ultra-fine shaft and balance adjustment make it easy to swing and handle the racket.
It is a racket that has a hard shot feeling and is easy to handle, so it is popular with advanced players, and it is a recommended racket for both doubles and singles.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX ASTROX88D PRO (Japanese)
【YONEX ASTROX88D PROレビュー】前作のコンセプト継承しつつ操作性と攻撃力が向上したラケット
今回のバドミントングッズ紹介はダブルスのトップ選手に人気で、ダブルス後衛型のラケットで操作性と攻撃力が向上した「YONEX ASTROX88D PRO」です。 アストロクス88Dプロは「 ...
Ranking No.3:YONEX|ASTROX100ZZ

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:hard
color:dark navy、kurenai
list price:¥28,000+tax
Reference price:¥21,560
players using ASTROX100ZZ | Akane Yamaguchi、Hiroyuki Endo、Viktor AXELSEN、LIU Yuchen、SHI Yuqi |
Yuta Watanabe et Hiroyuki Endo ont marqué l'histoire du badminton et de leur pays en devenant la première paire masculine japonaise à remporté le Yonex All England. 👏👏— yonexfrance (@yonexfrance) March 18, 2020
The "ASTOX 100ZZ" is the highest-end model that has both power and operability. It has a solid design with the thinnest shaft in YONEX, and it has a hard shot feeling and can be swung out.
With the new frame shape, the sweet spot expands and the repulsive force increases, and the shuttle is firmly suppressed, making the smash comfortable.
The grip cap has a shape that makes it easy to attach to your thumb, and the shaft is short and easy to handle, making it suitable for doubles receiving.
The design of Astrox 100ZZ is a recommended racket with a cool feeling of Klenai and a fairly high quality.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX ASTROX100ZZ (Japanese)
【YONEX アストロクス100ZZレビュー】しっかりスマッシュを沈めやすく取り回しと振り抜きがいいラケット
今回は全英オープン2020で優勝した遠藤選手とアクセルセンに、山口茜選手も使用している「YONEX ASTOX100ZZ」の紹介です。 ASTROX100ZZは「革新的なパワースマッシュ ...
Ranking No.6:YONEX|ASTROX88D

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:hard
color:red, green blue, black / black trim
list price:¥23,000+tax(JP)
Reference price:¥17,710(JP)
players using ASTROX88D | |
Doubles | Li Yin hui、Yuki Kaneko、Kim Gi Jung、KIM So Yeong |
Confidence in both front-court offense and back-court offense.
Li Yin Hui told us she keeps both the ASTROX 88 S and 88 D ready in her racquet bag.
Racquet: ASTROX 88 S PRO and ASTROX 88 D
Grip: Super Grap
String: BG80
Shoes: 75th POWER CUSHION 65 Z 2#TeamYonex— Yonex Badminton (@yonex_badminton) April 30, 2021
"ASTROX 88D" is a doubles rear guard type and popular masterpiece racket with the concept of sinking smash.
It's comfortable to hit, so it's easy to use for both doubles and singles, and the bright red and glittering design is also attractive.
Since it is out of print, if you want to attack with a smash from the rear guard, it is recommended to purchase it in comparison with the successor version ASTROX 88D PRO.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX ASTROX88D (Japanese)
【YONEX ASTROX88Dレビュー】スマッシュが沈めやすく打球音が気持ちいいラケット【廃盤】
今回のバドミントングッズ紹介は園田啓悟選手やギデオン選手が使用するダブルス後衛型のラケット「YONEX ASTROX88D」です。 新作のアストロクス88D[PRO]と[GAME]が発売 ...
Ranking No.6:YONEX|ASTROX77

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:medium
color:Metallic blue、Shine yellow、Shine red
list price:¥23,000+tax
Reference price:¥17,244
players using ASTROX77 | Chen Yu Fei、AN Se Young、Du Yue、Stoeva S. |
"YONEX ASTROX 77" is a very well-balanced and popular racket used by Chen Yufei, the top player in women's singles.
The ASTROX77 is designed to allow the smash to be angled by making the shaft easier to bend and speeding up restoration.
I felt it was a heavy and powerful racket with a good swing, so it is recommended for those who want to hit the smash firmly.
▶Click here for YONEX ASTROX77 spec information (Japanese)
今回のバドミントングッズ情報は2019年に山口茜選手が使用していた廃版になったラケットYONEX ASTROX77を紹介します。 What a match! Akane Yamaguchi secur ...
Ranking No.8:YONEX|ASTROX99

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:hard
color:Sunshine orange、Sapphire navy
list price:¥26,000+tax(JP)
Reference price:¥19,776(JP)
players using ASTROX99 | Saina Nehwal、Lee Cheuk Yiu、Beiwen ZHANG |
"ASTROX 99" is the most head-heavy attack type racket in YONEX, and it is a popular singles racket because it is used by Momota.
Since it has both playing and power and has a good ball holding, the power is easily transmitted to the shuttle, and the balance is adjusted so that the racket swings smoothly.
It is a racket recommended for those who want to hit the smash with a solid shot feeling with a good head and mainly attack the smash of a single sprayer.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX ASTROX99 (Japanese)
【YONEX ASTROX99レビュー】ヘッドヘビーでも振り抜きがよく連続スマッシュが打ちやすいラケット【廃版】
今回のバドミントングッズの紹介は廃版になった、桃田賢斗選手が使用していた「YONEX ASTROX99」です。 アストロクス99は「鋭い連続スマッシュに最大のパワーを」がコンセプトで、 ...
Ranking No.9:YONEX|DUORA7

shot feeling:medium
color:Darkgun、Red(Out of print)
list price:¥23,000+tax
Reference price:¥17,388
players using DUORA7 | Gabriella Stoeva、Jongkolphan、Rawinda |
"YONEX DUORA 7" is a racket with a deformed frame in the fore and back, which is very well-balanced and popular with top female doubles players.
The fore is easy to play and clear, and the back is easy to receive and control, so you can hit the smash firmly while achieving both power and operability.
This is a masterpiece racket used by Ayaka Takahashi at the Rio Olympics, and is recommended for beginners as well as for intermediate and advanced players.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX DUORA7 (Japanese)
【YONEX DUORA7レビュー】弾きと球持ちがいい打球感で操作性とパワーもしっかりあるラケット
今回のバドミントングッズの紹介は、リオオリンピック金メダリストの高橋礼華選手が使用していたラケット「YONEX DUORA7」です。 高橋礼華、松友美佐 ...

balance:Even~head heavy
shot feeling:hard
list price:¥28,000+tax
Reference price:¥21,560
players using DUORA Z-STRIKE | Chou Tien Chen 、Yugo Kobayashi、Satwiksairaj Rankireddy |
Strength, endurance, and will have propelled @ChouTienChen to back-to-back YONEX German Open Gold Medals.
His quest for a three-peat begins tomorrow in Mülheim an der Ruhr as the #2 seed. #TeamYonex
— Yonex Badminton (@yonex_badminton) February 25, 2019
"DUORA Z-STRIKE" is a racket with a heavy head and a concept of full-scale attack, and it has a compact frame and an ultra-fine shaft, so it is good to swing out.
The frame has a different shape, the fore has a solid shot feeling with a good ball holding, and the back has a comfortable feel that is easy to control by playing.
Since the sweet spot is spread out at the top, it is a racket recommended for advanced players who want to hit the smash comfortably and really want to attack.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX DUORA Z-STRIKE (Japanese)
【YONEX DUORA Z-STRIKEレビュー】硬い打球感で球持ちと反発力がある振り抜きがいいラケット【修理ラケット】
今回のバドミントングッズ紹介はエンワタペアが使用したこともある、DUORAシリーズの最上位モデル「YONEX DUORA Z-STRIKE」です。 DUORA Z-STRIKEは「全面攻 ...
Ranking No.9:VICTOR|DriveX-9X

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:hard
list price:¥28,000+tax
Reference price:¥16,940
players using DriveX-9X | Greysia Polii、Apriyani Rahayu、Wang Tzu Wei |
“Badminton is not my job anymore. It became my passion. Loving every bit of it.”
🏸 #badminton🗣️ #weekinquotes
— BWF (@bwfmedia) March 1, 2021
"Drive X-9X" is a racket that has evolved around power and speed, and is used in pairs by Polly / Yuhara, who won the YONEX Thailand Open.
The shaft is also a lightweight and thin shaft that improves the stability of the swing, and it is a racket that has both a stable shot feeling and flexible changes.
It is recommended for those who want a sense of stability in the swing of the racket with a clear shot feeling.
Ranking No.9:YONEX|ASTROX88S

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:medium
color:Emerald green、Off-white / red
list price:¥25,000+tax(JP)
players using ASTROX88S | |
Doubles | Lee Yong Dae、BAEK Ha Na、Zhou Hao Dong |
"ASTROX 88S" is a doubles avant-garde racket, and it is popular as a masterpiece racket with good ball holding and operability.
The design that firmly catches the shuttle with the bending of the frame makes it easy to control, and YONEX's first 5 mm long racket is very easy to handle.
Recommended for those who value the avant-garde of doubles and the control of the hit ball, it is out of print, so I think you should compare it with the popular ASTROX 88S PRO.
▶Click here for YONEX ASTROX88S spec information (Japanese)
今回はYONEXの人気ラケット「アストロクス88S」と「アストロクス88D」の違いを解説していきます。 Astrox 88S and Astrox 88D! The Choice of #WorldN ...
balance:head heavy
shot feeling:Hard
color:White tiger, cherry sunburst
list price:¥29,700 (tax included)
players using ASTROX99 PRO | Kento Momota、Lee Zii Jia |
Kento Momota is the 2019 @YonexAllEngland Champion!
The World No. 1 only dropped one game en route to becoming the first Japanese man to win the All England title. #TeamYonex
— Yonex Badminton (@yonex_badminton) March 11, 2019
"ASTRO X99 PRO" is based on the concept of continuous power smashing, and incorporates the latest technology for faster badminton play.
In order to hit a strong smash, a continuous grommet containing tungsten with a heavy specific density is mounted on the upper part of the frame, and the repulsive force is strengthened by thickening the side surface of the frame.
By adopting a "new perforated design" on the side of the frame in addition to Namd, which improves ball holding, the range of motion of the string is widened and ball holding performance is improved.
This racket is recommended for singles with improved smash attack power and improved operability.
▶Click here for YONEX ASTROX99 PRO spec information (Japanese)
今回は桃田選手使用モデルのアストロクス99プロが、YONEXからデザインの新作情報としてプレスリリースされたので紹介します。 自分の追い求める機能性、デザイン、カラー、全てにおいて こだわり抜いた1本 ...

balance:head heavy
list price:¥27,500+tax
Reference price:¥20,350
Yuta Watanabe @champ_together became the first male double titlist at the @YonexAllEngland in nearly two decades as Japan swept the paired events in its 111th edition.#HSBCbadminton #BWFWorldTour #AllEngland2021
— BWF (@bwfmedia) March 21, 2021
players using AERONUT9000I | Yuta Watanabe、Anthony Sisnica Gintin |
"AERONUT9000I" is a racket with four wind tunnel designs at the bottom of the frame, which reduces air resistance and enhances swing.
The elasticity of the surface has increased and the playing performance has also improved, making it easier to handle due to its light weight and quick swinging.
It is used by Yuta Watanabe of Japan national team and Gintin of Indonesia, and is also recommended for fans.

balance:Even balance
shot feeling:hard
list price:Metallic red
Reference price:¥19,800
players using ARCSEVER11 | Choi Sulgyu、Goh V Shem |
"ARC SEVER 11" is a racket that enhances the shot feeling when you play it in the mouth, and is a racket for intermediate and advanced players with even balance.
It's easy to smash and the defense is stable because it's easy to handle and has high controllability.
It is a racket with a very good balance between shot feeling and operability, and it is a recommended racket for double sprayers.

balance:head heavy
color:White x blue
list price:¥27,500
Reference price:¥20,625
Tears flowed freely from Nozomi Okuhara’s 🇯🇵 @nozomi_o11 eyes as she sought inspiration from compatriot and judoka Naohisa Takato, who won Japan’s first gold medal at #Tokyo2020 yesterday.@Olympics #RaiseARacket🏸
— BWF (@bwfmedia) July 25, 2021
"ALTIUS 01 FEELS" is a model used by Okuhara, and is a racket that is lighter in weight and has improved operability from the previous work that has both controllability and resilience.
The head heavy of the shuttle has a good ball holding and has solid power, and by shortening the total length of the racket, it is compatible with operability.
There is also a simple and refreshing design, and it is a racket recommended for rally type play style singles.
No.16:Wilson|FIERCE CX9000J CV

balance:head heavy
list price:¥23,000+tax
Reference price:¥14,880
【松友美佐紀/髙橋礼華 JTBバドミントンS/Jリーグ 2019 最高殊勲選手賞(MVP)を受賞】
ウイルソンプレーヤーの松友美佐紀所属の日本ユニシスが2年ぶり日本リーグから通算6度目のリーグ優勝を果たす。— ウイルソン バドミントン (@Wilson_Bad_JP) December 24, 2019
"Fierce CX9000 CV" is a model used by Misaki Matsutomo, and is a racket that cushions impact and improves surface stability.
The grip part has a function to remove minute vibrations and catch the shuttle accurately, and the shaft has both suppleness and stability.
It is a lightweight 5U, easy to swing, and can firmly convey the power to the shuttle, so it is recommended for doubles.

balance:head heavy
shot feeling:hard
color:Black / black
list price:¥25,000+tax
Reference price:¥20,250
players using VOLTRIC Z-FORCEⅡ | Marcus Ellis |
"VOLTRIC Z-FORCE II" is a racket for advanced players who emphasizes power, and is a top-class head-heavy racket with a high "smash blow power".
It has a compact frame and a hard shot feeling, and the shaft is extremely thin, so it is easy to swing out.
Legendary Lin Dan and Lee Chong Wei are also masterpiece rackets that were used in the past, and are recommended rackets for advanced players who want to aggressively attack with singles.
▶Click here for a review of YONEX VLTRIC Z-FOCEⅡ
【YONEX VOLTRIC Z-FOCEⅡレビュー】ヘッドヘビーと振り抜きの良さでスマッシュのノビがいい名作ラケット【廃版】
今回のバドミントングッズ紹介は、ヘッドヘビーラケットの中でも人気が高い「YONEX VOLTRIC Z-FORCE Ⅱ」です。 VOLTRIC Z-FORCE Ⅱのコンセプトは「さらに重 ...
Explanation of how to choose a badminton racket
Since the badminton racket has a racket shape in terms of weight and balance, the power also changes in swinging and operability.
Using a racket that suits your swing can reduce mistakes and improve your badminton.
I have written explanations on how to choose a racket for beginners and recommended rackets for each level, so please refer to this as well.
Then I will explain how to choose a badminton racket.
Find your favorite racket weight
The weight of a badminton racket is related to operability, so it is important to find the weight you like.
If you are a beginner, you may not know the type of racket and how to choose it, so please refer to the 10 recommended selections.
Reference article(Japanese)
Even the racket used by the top players introduced has a weight range of 2U to 5U, and if the number of "U" on the display increases by 1, the racket will become lighter by about 5g.
display | 2U | 3U | 4U | 5U |
weight | about 90-95g | about 85-90g | about 80-85g | about 75-80g |
Even the same racket may have two types of weight, and if the weight changes, the ease of swinging and power will differ, so be sure to check before purchasing.
For boys who have power in singles, 3U is mainly used, but for women it is heavy, so it is recommended to search from 4U / 5U.
It seems that many people choose 4U for doubles, and 5U if you want to make it easier to operate the racket with 3U if power is important.
By the way, I think Momota's ASTROX99 was 4U and Kevin's ASTROX88S was 3U.
Find your favorite racket balance
There are 3 types of weight balance in the racket, and it is important to find the balance you like because the feeling of weight and ease of swinging when you hold it are different.
balance | Features |
Head heavy | The racket has power, but it feels heavy and difficult to swing |
even | Both power and operability |
Head light | The operability of the racket is high, but the power is light |
The feeling of weight with an actual racket changes depending on the combination of weight and balance.
Reference article(Japanese)
Even or headlights are recommended for doubles, and head heavys are fine for those who value smash from the rearguard.
If it is a single, many advanced users use head heavy, and I feel that it may be their own taste.
Racket grip size
The grip size is also related to the ease of gripping and swinging the racket, so you should take a close look.
There are three types of grip thickness, G5 is the standard thickness, G4 is thicker and G6 is thinner.
display | G4 | G5 | G6 |
The thickness | Thick(84mm) | standard(81mm) | Thin(78mm) |
I feel that it is safest to choose the standard G5 for the grip size, and for those who value operability, it is G6, and for those who value power, it is G4
Momota's ASTROX99 is G6, and Axelsen's ASTROX100ZZ seems to be using G4.
The thickness of the grip can be adjusted by underwrapping when wrapping the grip tape, so please refer to it.
Reference article(Japanese)
If you borrow a racket from a person and try it out, the weight and grip size are displayed on the grip cap, so check it.
Check the shape and thickness of the frame
The frame structure of YONEX is basically ISOMETRIC shape, but the shape and thickness differ depending on the type of racket.
The aero shape with a sharp tip of the frame and the compact frame have low air resistance, so it is easy to swing the racket and it is easy to get head speed.
If the shape of the sweet spot is widened and the frame is thick, the shuttle will play more easily, so you can speed up smashing, driving and receiving.
In the DUORA series, the shape of the racket matches the fore and back, so please check the shape of the frame by the type of racket.
Also pay attention to the thickness and material of the shaft
The thickness of the YONEX shaft is divided into 5 stages, and the ease and power of swinging the racket changes depending on the thickness and material.
The thinner the shaft, the harder the shot feeling, the less air resistance, the easier it is to swing the racket, and the quicker the restoration of bending, so you can put power firmly.
There is also a racket that enhances the power of smash by using a material with high resilience and a material with high resilience that is easy to bend, so please check it.
This time, we introduced the racket with the title "Recommended for choosing a Badminton Racket【World's top players use of Popularity Ranking】".
"Choosing a badminton racket" has a big influence on the play, so it is recommended to try the racket first.
I and the people around me usually choose from the rackets used by the top players, so I think it will be helpful.
In addition, the model rackets used by Okuhara and Matsutomo are recommended for intermediate players, so please read them for reference.
Reference article(Japanese)
I tried to create the best 3 popularity rankings by top players singles and doubles.
Doubles popular racket ranking best 3
ASTROX 88S PRO is popular among the top doubles players, and it is recommended to compare it with the Nanoflare series and Astrox 88 series.
I also made 11 recommended rackets for doubles, so if you are interested, please read it.
今回はBADLOG的ダブルス向きおすすめバドミントンラケット11選を紹介しています。 バドミントンのラケットはプレーに影響する重要なところで、種類・メーカーが増えて、選ぶのに迷ってしまう ...
Top 3 popular racket rankings for singles
In the popular racket ranking of singles, ASTROX99 used by Momota was the most popular.
I also made 11 recommended rackets for singles, so if you are interested, please read it.
今回はBADLOG的シングルス向きのおすすめバドミントンラケット11選を紹介しています。 バドミントンのラケットはプレーに影響する重要なところで、種類・メーカーが増えて、選ぶのに迷ってし ...
As the badminton racket evolves day by day and new works are released, the goods used by the world's top players will change, so we will update it after the World Tour tournament.
Reference article
The above is the popularity ranking of badminton rackets used by top players. I hope it will help you choose a badminton racket.
バドミントンシューズはフットワークの動きに影響する重要なところで、メーカーや種類が多いのでどれを選ぶか迷ってしまいますね。 世界のトップ選手が履いているシューズは動きやすいはず! &nb ...
バドミントンガットは打球感に影響する重要なところで、メーカーや種類が多いのでどれを選ぶか迷ってしまいますね。 世界のトップ選手はガットにもこだわってるはず! ということで今 ...
今回はバドミントン界で活躍したレジェンドやトップ選手の使用ラケット・ガット・シューズのグッズ情報をまとめました。 好きな選手からバドミントングッズを選ぶ人もいると思うので、参考にしてみて ...
今回はバドミントンの練習など移動に便利なラケットバックのおすすめを紹介していきます。 練習や試合の移動ではラケットやシューズだけでなく、着替えや小物までたくさん持ち運ぶのでラケットバック ...